Golf is Everything
"I love hitting that one good shot that brings you back the next time."
Tobey was introduced to golf at age 14 and fell in love with the challenge of the game. A life-long baseball player, he found he couldn't let go of the golf club. A new game had stolen his heart. The thrill of a well hit shot drove him forward and he wanted to play better golf.
"He didn't know much about how his swing affected the ball's flight."
As a brand new golfer, Tobey had a lot of enthusiasm for the game, but needed guidance. A friend of his step-father's introduced him to Doug Strawbridge, a Coach at GOLFTEC. Tobey came in with a 20 handicap and a passion to get better everyday. That passion quickly turned to a determination and focus that impressed his family and friends.
"I take it one day at a time."
After a year and a half of work with his Coach, Tobey now has a 3 handicap and is shooting in the mid-70's. "All Tobey talks about is golf, golf, golf," said his mother. "He tried out for his high school team as a Freshman and made the Varsity team. He's the number one player on the team. He works at it very hard."
"Can I play at the next level?"
Tobey's goal is to play golf in college, and beyond. But he takes it one step at a time. "I know if I can get to the next level, I've got a shot at the level beyond that. And even the level beyond that. If I practice enough, if I can get in that good round, I'll have a chance. I just love it. Golf is everything."
At a GOLFTEC Swing Evaluation you will see your swing in a completely new light, providing a clear path to improvement that goes beyond anything you've experienced before. Your GOLFTEC Coach will use our technology that measures key body movements combined with real-time video analysis to clearly define how your swing compares to the best players in golf. Together, you'll use this information to create a clearly-defined path for progressive improvement and results that last.
See More Making the Turn Student Stories
"I know the Coaches at GOLFTEC want me to succeed in my golf career."
Nolan started playing golf at a young age. He shot around 100 on his best days, and did so using a junior set with just four golf clubs - driver, wedge, iron and putter. Coming to GOLFTEC, he was fit for clubs and immediately saw improvement with distance and accuracy. He was hooked on golf before, but after hitting his first good draw, he became a golf addict.
John Purcell
Levar Harrington

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Swing Evaluation - On Sale $125
Your first lesson at GOLFTEC