3 Tips To Increase Speed in your Golf Swing
We are all chasing increased speed in our golf swing these days but how can we gain more speed while still finding the center of the fairway? In this video, VP of Instruction, Nick Clearwater, and Director of Teaching Quality, Brad Skupaka, are sharing the three keys in your swing that can help you increase speed.
Tape Drill
Increased Speed = Farther Drives? | Defining Speed
Speed has been on the mind of a lot of golfers lately- from PGA Tour pros and amateurs alike. Everyone wants more speed but what exactly does that mean? We're defining speed and how you can add more speed to your golf game.
Distance tip
Gain More Swing Speed- the Right Way! 3 Speed Myths BUSTED
Everyone is trying to gain more speed in their swing these days but since the topic of speed is so trendy- there's a ton of competing information on how to gain the most swing the fastest. And because of that, VP of Instruction, Nick Clearwater, and Director of Teaching Quality, Patrick Nuber, are busting three myths about gaining more speed in your swing.
Fairway Drill

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