Talk to a Coach to Learn More!
GOLFTEC Middleton will be conducting the Junior Program, as well as a majority of the golf instruction at The Oaks Golf Course.
For golfers who are serious about golf instruction and improving their games, or getting started correctly, GOLFTEC provides an unmatched experience and consistent results.
Giving millions of golf lessons to thousands of golfers of every ability confirms our belief in a comprehensive approach to game improvement. We know that an on-going Game Plan will build your golf skills faster and provide more lasting results than an occasional golf lesson.
At GOLFTEC, you’ll have your own Certified Personal Coach who knows your golf game and is passionate about seeing it improve. We have developed the Five Factors needed for maximum improvement. When incorporated into your Game Plan, they lead to a swing you can depend on again and again.
You’ll be using the latest golf learning technology and instant video replay for clear and immediate feedback.
GOLFTEC is the world leader in golf improvement, with a variety of instruction programs and every tool you’ll need to effectively raise your game. Our experienced Certified Personal Coaches and advanced technology have helped us achieve a 96% success rate with clients of every ability. We’d love to help you play better golf.
It all starts with a Swing Evaluation
Your fact-based, 60-minute session includes:
- One-on-one instruction with a Certified Personal Coach
- Instant video analysis
- Motion measurement
- A custom plan to improve your swing
- Online access to swing video and drills
Junior Lessons
It is our goal to provide quality instruction and insight on all aspects of the game of golf in the most exciting, safe and fun filled atmosphere for all to enjoy. To accomplish this, we need to work with your junior to create an athlete, which will ultimately create a better golfer.
Click here for more information. To pay for your child online, or to pay for the welcome party & wrap up party click here.
Instruction, Drills and Golf News
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